酝酿了一年多, the 大学新挑战 is a bold design endeavor created to excite and engage the college and community in envisioning a more vibrant campus and campus life for 新博网页. 新博网页 partnered with six world-class design schools from top universities to reimagine a future campus that cultivates students into trailblazing problem-solvers and leaders.


The discoveries and ideas of the partner university design teams are now part of a public exhibition at 架构萨拉索塔 (265 S. (奥兰治大道)-整个挑战的合作伙伴.


  • 夏天的时间 (5月21日开始), 2023):周二, 星期三, 星期四下午1时至4时(联邦假日除外)
  • 下降时间 (9月11日开始), 2023):周二至周六上午11点至下午4点(联邦假日除外)


大学的新挑战 is a testament to the university’s commitment to continuous improvement and its dedication to providing its students with a top-notch education experience. 

One key aspect of the 大学新挑战 is the incorporation of external perspectives and examining the university’s operations and initiatives through outside lenses of its partner institutions.

All six universities presented their compelling designs to the 新博网页 campus and surrounding community May 12, 2023

第二天, 5月13日, 2023, the 大学新挑战 Exhibition opened at 架构萨拉索塔 where leaders from the partner universities participated in a 小组讨论 由挑战联合主席Dr. 大卫的大脑.









大学的新挑战 grew from an idea in late November 2021 to a series of plans, 项目和研究. 新博网页组建了一支教师队伍, 员工和学生带头, seated a high level advisory committee and engaged the college and local community and a host of experts in the process. 新博网页 taught a class of its own that began in Fall 2022 which supported the work of the partnering academic teams. 



为期一周的活动启动了“新大学挑战”, 从10月11日在海湾举行的社区早午餐开始. 25, 2022, 哈佛教授克里斯·里德的新话题讲座, 以及弹性设计研讨会.



Our academic partner institutions began teaching their design studio classes on 新博网页 in January, 2023. 二月初, five of six nationally renowned design leaders brought their students to campus as part of their Spring architecture studio courses to inform their coursework. 作为他们访问的一部分, the academic teams jump-started their creativity with a one-day design exercise - known as a charrette – that focused on improving the 新博网页 campus.

The design teams were given one of three categories to focus on: Bayfront Activation; 协作, Creativity and Community Core; 难以忘怀裴. 在周六, 2月4日, the teams presented their early designs in an interactive exercise with the campus and community, which boasted strategies and mechanisms to address various environmental factors that affect us all region-wide.

These 8 design presentations below– developed in collaboration by students from 肯恩大学, 新博网页, 锡拉丘兹大学, 佛罗里达大学, 迈阿密大学 and the 南佛罗里达大学 – are just an example of the campus innovation being developed for 新博网页 by the 挑战 academic teams.


海滨激活: 连接凯普斯新博网址是多少

海滨激活: 参与的学生 & 拥有互动、生机勃勃的海岸线的社区

协作、创意和社区核心: 阴影集群 & 协作

协作、创意和社区核心: 住所、食物 & 森林

协作、创意和社区核心: 新博网址是多少节点 & 四边形——一个新的新博网址是多少焦点

难以忘怀裴: 贝聿铭的涟漪效应——贝聿铭宿舍的改造

难以忘怀裴: 加强社区

难以忘怀裴: 逐步将贝聿铭校区迁至海滨 & Caples新博网址是多少

作为新大学挑战这一阶段的延续, 3月13日至15日,耶鲁大学的学生参观了新博网址是多少, 并向新博网页的全体教员介绍了他们的期中作业, 工作人员, 和学生.

All the university partner teams completed their designs at the end of their Spring Semester and the team leaders returned to 新博网页 May 12-13, 2023年的期末报告(如上).


新博网页 will use the designs to inform a new campus plan to match an enhanced curriculum. The public exhibition of the designs will be on display at 架构萨拉索塔 throughout 2023.


The Planning for Campus Resilience 挑战 academic course at 新博网页 invited students to play a central role in shaping the future of their campus, 探索沿海社区对海平面上升的实际反应, 并培养在不同社区协作解决问题的领导技能.  

From its inception 大学新生 have been integral leaders involved in the 挑战.


大学的新挑战 is modeled after two endeavors in the Northeast: “Envision Resilience: Nantucket 挑战” and “Envision Resilience: Narragansett Bay”. 欲知详情,请浏览 envisionresilience.org



我们经常听人说,需要钱才能赚钱. 这是真的. 挑战是一项昂贵的努力, but it is a collaborative undertaking that is designed to elevate our campus and community, 无论是区域性的还是全国性的. 是的, 这对我们这个小学校来说是一项雄心勃勃的事业, 但只要我们齐心协力,就能产生远远超出我们所在地区的影响. This 挑战 is a collective investment in our future–can you help us seize this moment? 捐赠


比尔•达德利 前总统 & 纽约联邦储备银行首席执行官 新校友
安Darby 摩根大通前副总裁
鲍勃·艾斯 前主席 & 惠氏制药公司首席执行官
规范沃辛顿 前的创始人 & 首席执行官Star2Star Sangoma Technologies Corp .董事长 新校友
珍妮特·多伊尔 前总统 & 克莱默枢纽公司的首席执行官






Kathleen Binnicker Swann基金会